Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mae had her new dress on today because it was a special day for her. She was hoping she’d get a chance to see him, as he had promised her when they last met. With each passing minute through the day, she waited in anticipation; with anxiety – wishing he’d surprise her by showing up, just like he did the last time.  

But, he never came. He didn’t even try to call. If there was a will, there would have been a way. 

She felt like the biggest fool in town. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cutting off the weight

Coco Chanel said, "a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life". I'm hoping for a change to come!

A new hairdo always does the trick to perk me up. Hmm, on second thoughts, maybe it's the nice feeling of getting my hair washed and my head massaged by another person that perks me up.