Monday, November 23, 2009

morbid me

this is going to sound morbid but it's been on my mind for some time now..
when i leave this world, i dont think there will be many at my funeral.
i dont think people will have much to say of whether i made a difference in their life.
it's going to be a pathetic funeral.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pseudo Perfection

"The perfect one may be imperfect at times."

Got this quote from my dear friend Sharon's FB status. How true indeed and I think it is a very good reminder as well, to all who are in a relationship and yet to be in one.

Sometimes, we find that perfect someone; s/he qualifies for all the important characteristics and traits you have in your Mr.Right / Ms.Right checklist. But is there really such a thing as a perfect man/woman? It's all in the mind, really.

Sometimes also, s/he is so perfect that we start having expectations! And when such expectations are not met, the worm slowly creeps into the relationship and starts eating from the inside, unknowingly. Over time, if this is not resolved, it causes the relationship to crumble, like a rotten apple.

Which brings me back to the reason why this quote is such a good reminder. We need to realize that we're all human, and as humans, we are frail. We ought to be humble enough to acknowledge our weaknesses, and simultaneously, accept the weaknesses of others.

"O God, teach us to be more gracious with others. Teach us to choose love over hate, patience over impatience, and compassion over our own selfish ways. Teach us to be more like You everyday. Amen."