Wednesday, December 16, 2009


A few years ago, mum got herself a silky terrier puppy for Christmas.
Because she claimed we didn't love her enough.
And so, we called her Grace.
This year, Grace gave mum (and us) 5 early christmas prezzies in the form of her adorable new born babies!
3 Males, 2 Females.
And 10 December 2009 is the date to remember. :)

And all these adorable babies ever do, day and night, is...
suckle suckle suckle, cuddle cuddle cuddle...
What a good life :)

These darlings are the 2nd batch of Grace's pups.
The first three were: Roxy, Rayanne, and Russell.
( Notice how they all started with R?? )
Now, to wait for Miss Becks to come up with 5 royal names like she did for the first 3..
And maybe to be fair, they should all begin with A..
Amanda, Andrea, Andrew, Alex, Anthony.
Or should it be something funkier crazier like..
Salmon, Tuna, Cod, Talapia, Dory
Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Vinegar, Oil
Obviously, naming your pets (and children in the future) can be such a daunting task.
It has got to be right. Cos there's no turning back.

1 comment:

becks said...

it's raeanne! not rayannee.:P
you can do the thinkingg nowww.
and mum said it should be S!
cause its the "next batch".
and i chose R cause their surname starts with R!!!!:D