Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pulau Perhentian Challenge 2008

Sounds interesting..

Thinking of joining..

It's so gonna be like "Survivor + OBS" i think..

It'd be fun and awesome..and it's the kinda thing i like doing..

It would be good therapy for the body, mind and soul..

Gotto confirm by tonight..


Ta da!
Warmest welcome to Mike, my new best friend =)

isn't he just dashing? Yo! he's my white knight ;p

Grace used to name her camera Stuart and i think it's a good idea to actually name your belongings because it creates some sort of personal bond with it..its not just another THING, u know..
Why MIKE? well, cos that's what i call the guy in my dreams since a long time ago.. somehow i just like the name i guess.. and secondly, i need more of the opposite gender in my life. Thirdly, it rhymes! "Hi, meet Mike, my MacBook"..haha, lameness..

Anyway,here's some randomly interesting stuff..
In the MacBook user manual, this is what the first page says..
"Congratulations, you and your MacBook were made for each other"
somehow, i find that lameness, i know..

Monday, September 22, 2008


hmm, i haven't blogged in awhile.
mustn't make it a habit or this attempt of keeping a blog for at least 1 year would so fail.
i would look like a failure then.

i realized that i have a lot of things in mind that i wanna do, being overly ambitious and confident of myself...
but it's been weeks now, and nothing much has been done..
i've turned into a procrastinator...ewww...

anyway, my Apple MacBook is due to come tomorrow or Wednesday.
can't wait =D

i'm still dilemmatized though..about myself, and him...
it troubles me sometimes..
i wonder..does God have any part to play in this? What are His plans for us?

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You, I want to see You...

and i mean it, Lord..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Love the heart that hurts you and never hurt the heart that loves you".

simple yet with such a profound message... i like! =)

i wouldn't want to hurt the hearts of those who love me dearly but loving those that hurt me?!
it's a friggin' struggle..