Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ta da!
Warmest welcome to Mike, my new best friend =)

isn't he just dashing? Yo! he's my white knight ;p

Grace used to name her camera Stuart and i think it's a good idea to actually name your belongings because it creates some sort of personal bond with it..its not just another THING, u know..
Why MIKE? well, cos that's what i call the guy in my dreams since a long time ago.. somehow i just like the name i guess.. and secondly, i need more of the opposite gender in my life. Thirdly, it rhymes! "Hi, meet Mike, my MacBook"..haha, lameness..

Anyway,here's some randomly interesting stuff..
In the MacBook user manual, this is what the first page says..
"Congratulations, you and your MacBook were made for each other"
somehow, i find that lameness, i know..


jazz said...

but it sounds so weird ler.. naming ur laptop.. hmm..

allyz said...

is it weird?? i thought it was cool! haha..
you should try it too ;p

it makes me feel like i've got more "friends"