Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ardently entwined

I’ve just finished reading the second book to the Twilight series and darn!

The second book is definitely better than the first, because every chapter had a pinch of suspense in it, and as one reads, the images just come naturally to mind, able to keep one glued to the book for as long as it takes..
dammit! it's like watching a movie in your mind!

and i know this because..

I was practically reading; stealing glimpses of the words on the pages of the book while driving!
Yes, I’s dangerous to do that but I couldn’t help it! I had to know what was going to happen next..

Anyway, to sum it all, New Moon gave me the right motivation I needed to get started on a reading spree again. My next book would be Eclipse.
Can’t wait to visit the bookstore soon
I have a strong feeling that quite a bulk of my 1st paycheck is going to go to books. Hmm...
I'm so hooked..ardently entwined with the series.


Grace said...

i didn't know u were such a bookaddict! ok maybe for those books ur reading.

dunno why my friends didn't like it. guess it's cause they've got different tastes..


allyz said...

haha, i never knew i was into vampire stories as well but seriously,u should try reading the series and judge for urself if u like it..

stephanie meyer (the author) has a really good writing style that i have grown to like..hehe..

by the way,how did u find my blog?? ;)

peebs said...

walau! reading while driving.. i dare not sit in your car now. lol~