Thursday, January 15, 2009

Honestly, im really thankful for some of the friends i have.
Despite our differences sometimes, especially in terms of opinion, approach and method, we still accept each other; in strength and in weakness.
We're not afraid to share our innermost thoughts and seek consult on the troubles/problems that we face.
Each passing day is an attempt to learn to encourage one another spiritually. sometimes, mentally and physically.
We'd go the distance for one another.
No matter how lame or funny something is, we'll all still laugh. actually, i think we laugh alot at each other. ;p
In a way, we've gone through so much ups and downs together. And guess what, we're still here! We've persevered and made it this far.
In a journey that i thought i would go alone, you guys have made me realise that im not alone after all..
Thanks for always being there, my friend.

Praise God for the blessings that come in the form of friends :)

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