Saturday, April 8, 2017

Gold Award & BB Juniors' Canteen Day

A day of BB good news. :)

Found out that the Gold Award applications for the 6 kids that I coached and submitted last year got approved, with no rework required. Phew! A BB record for sure - of the highest number of Gold Badge recipients per batch since company inception in 2001.

Then, found out that Squad 1 (my squad) won first place for the BB Juniors Canteen Day!

So proud of them kids.

The nooooodle stall  

The girls' masterpiece

Kai Wern's masterpiece - so impressed with his 3-dimensional pepperoni spaghetti idea and mock-up!

Goofing around before the competitive sale begins

Sales pitch in progress....

Young entrepreneurs and hagglers ;p

These are the little things I'll miss about BB when I start my sabbatical leave. :(

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