Tuesday, December 2, 2008


What is desperation?

This is desperation.
When "someone" who just touched down in KLIA from Singapore, took her 12kg suitcase, along with her overloaded laptop bag and handbag; without heading home first..grabbed a friend along (for chaffeur services, companionship and storage purposes) and went to catch the latest movie released --> TWILIGHT

Ahhh... No regrets :)

I love the spontaneity of life, haha!

* It's a great feeling to finally ease my anxious heart of all the waiting and anticipation; and what more to finally have a face to each name of the cast.. I love you, Edward Cullen.

1 comment:

jazz said...

Wah.. was the movie nice? Emma will be home soon so you can grab her to do sth. =)